Monday, November 16, 2015

Summing up a busy fall

It has been a while since we've managed a blog post. It has been a whirlwind of a fall, full of learning and challenges. Students have been truly enjoying cooking, researching, and serving our Thursday lunches, and everyone is a bit sad that we are on a hiatus (the Home & Careers room where we do the cooking is in use 9th period during the next quarter). This pause seems like a good time to sum up and take stock.

Alyssa designed a survey to send to staff, asking about their favorite meals. As you can see below, the veggie lasagne was the hands down favorite.:

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The poll was done before our November 5 Harvest Festival, though, and that was a truly spectacular meal featuring 2 kinds of soup, roasted vegetables, and homemade rolls. Staff baked many, many pumpkin treats for students to sample, and Mrs. Bryant baked a mystery vegetable cupcake for staff. No one guessed that celeriac was the mystery ingredient!

Students learned so much the first semester--not just about cooking, but about teamwork, communication, and responsibility. They also had some fun along the way!
Kelli with a finished crisp

Everyone got in the act to make apple crisp!

Mari dressed up as the Bean Queen

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