Hello Localvores! Mrs. Bryant here--allow me to introduce to you the very essential and generous people who are making this project as tasty as it is!
First I must mention Daryl Anderson, a retired teacher who I was visiting this summer to ask about making homemade cheese. At the end of my visit, Daryl insisted I go over and meet these “really great people who run a CSA on the land.” That’s when I met Aaron and Kara who run Plowbreak Farm CSA. This moment was the most pivotal of this endeavor. Up until this point, my plan was to keep this Localvore Project pretty simple, straightforward, and predictable. While chatting with Aaron, Kara, and Daryl, I mentioned that I was going to attempt this project this year. Aaron and Kara, who are passionate about food justice and bringing good food to the community, immediately said they would donate every week. I was excited, but at that point did not see the magnitude of this gift. Not only is it generous, but it is pushing and challenging us all to research menu options that we would never ventured towards before. This gift has unexpectedly brought out a new appreciation for the paradise of living in the finger lakes- where fresh food is in abundance. This gift has opened our minds and tastebuds to foods and flavors that we may have gone through our entire lives without trying; and thank goodness we haven’t, because living without this food is not living! This is much more than a donation; it's a gift that brings joy, smiles, and people together. Thank you, Kara and Aaron.

Stick around to meet the next farmer soon!
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