Friday, February 10, 2017

Baking bread with Wide Awake Bakery!

It was really fun baking bread. I had fun shaping the bread.  It was my first time. I felt calmer after I was baking bread.  I learned that you had to weigh out the bread ingredients.

Image result for wide awake bakery

Thank you Wide Awake Bakery for donating your time and dough to our January Localvore Lunch!

Square Foot Gardening


Now I have a my own garden plot and I like it and I think I would like growing plants.

  1. It has to be 3+3 with 9 squares.
  2. We have to grow foods we love.
  3. We have to research companion plants.
  4. We have to grow a flower too.

I will grow these plants:

  • lavender
  • sweet potatoes
  • rosemary
  • Arugula
  • eggplant
  • beans
  • strawberries


I will grow corn, peas, sunflowers, and pumpkins. They are cute because they are special to me. They give people pumpkins that we won’t have to buy for Halloween. Sunflowers we can bake the sunflower seeds. The peas people could eat, and we could donate some food to homeless people.

If someone likes sunflowers they can have sunflowers and we could all share all of the hoop house and it could be kind of like a family plants, like we are like a family. We all take care of each other’s plants like if someone’s not here, someone else could look after it.

I don’t like being squished in a corner. I would rather have my garden somewhere on the outside where it’s easy to walk around.


I am so happy about having my own garden plot!!! I will grow beets, garlic, kale and geraniums.

Teacher's note: We used these maps to plan out our gardens.


I will grow corvair spinach, delphinium flowers (magic flowers), yukon gold potatoes and hibiscus flowers in my garden plot.


I picked the following to grow: strawberries,Melon,Cucumbers and peas.

I chose these plants because I love all of these foods. I am looking forward to plant these foods because this is going to be the best challenge ever to see how good I can plant on my own. This is going to be so much fun because this one is my responsibility to plan and plant. I am going to be in charge of watering,weeding, and making sure they're still good to eat. I will come back in the summer to harvest.  

I am growing potatoes,broccoli, marigolds, and purple beans. I chose them because they taste so good. I want potatoes for fries.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Meet the 2016-17 Localvores!


My name is Kelli, I am in the 8th grade and this is my second year in the Localvore Program.

I like being in the Localvore Program because I can learn how to cook new things and it is also fun to cook with all of my friends. Some of the things that we do are: we look up recipes, we calculate the recipes to see how much ingredients we need to buy, and we also go to the hoop house to get fresh, nutritious and very local ingredients for our recipes. One time we had so much lettuce that we fed the whole school.

We also have Localvore meetings. In our Localvore meetings, we sit around a table and we talk about our future lunches, our profits, and how we can improve. We also plan our recipes for what is in season.  We also create nutrition presentations so the adults can learn the benefits of what they are eating.

I would like to see teachers make there own food and have us try it, I think they would enjoy they way we cook with local foods. We could choose a winner and feature what they made in one of our upcoming menus.

When I get to work with money I think it goes well with me because I love to be like my mom, counting money and checking off people that are on my list.


My name is Mari Wilson.  I am in 8th grade, and this is my second year in the Localvore Club.

This year we have a hoop house.

I think the hoop house is wonderful and beautiful. I want one in my backyard.  I love how I can go out and get green peppers for our soup.

One of my favorite things to do in the Localvore club is making the menu signs to advertise the next month’s menu.

Being in the Localvore Club is wonderful because I like to dress up on lunch days. Last lunch I was Princess Kale and Mrs. Bryant was Queen Corn!

We were getting flowers for Localvore and we sold them to teachers.


My name is Turner, I am a 7th grader and this is my
First year in the Locavore Program.

This program makes me feel good about myself.
And am always happy to see the whole class every day.
I would like to see us grow bigger and bigger
every day for the whole year.

My favorite thing I did this year was picking lettuce. Because it was fun and that was when I was happy the most. But I would be happy anyways.


My name is Jordan. I am in the 7th grade and this is my first year in the Localvore program.

That was way back in the first week of school when I still had my leg in a brace. We get to cook meals for the teachers. We grow our own vegetables in the Hoop House.

My classmates used to call me “tractor.” It was hard work for Ms. S. We were harvesting lettuce. We had fun in the Hoop House. We grow lots of vegetables other than lettuce too!


I am in 7th grade and this is my first year in the Localvore program. I feel good in this program. We look up recipes and we see how  much  do we make in order to serve all of the teachers.
This is me peeling carrots it was fun and it was for the carrot salad.

I look forward to growing enough food for the whole school. They would eat it for lunch inside. I love being in the hoop house.


I like being in the Localvore club because I like cooking.  I like growing  the  food and  eating  it too!  It  is fun learning about how to grow plants. Because I live on  a farm it is really cool working in a garden at school too! We have a hydroponics garden in class and I like to help with the water. I have a lot of friends in Localvore!

This is a picture of me grinding corn with Dylon.