Cooking With Friends
by Kelli
“Cooking with friends.” That is the advice that Mark Bittman gives in his Time magazine article, The Truth About Home Cooking. Alyssa and I agree because it makes cooking more fun.
“Cooking with friends.” That is the advice that Mark Bittman gives in his Time magazine article, The Truth About Home Cooking. Alyssa and I agree because it makes cooking more fun.
Alyssa and I think that this is a good idea too. When we cook together it makes it really fun because we can spend more time together and we are cooking for other people to enjoy the food.
Alyssa and I love to see the teachers smiles and their surprised faces and that make us feel really good and happy!
Kelli & Alyssa cook up some applesauce |
Why I Like To Cook
by Mari
My name is Mari. I love the Localvore program because of the cooking skills. We are learning about applesauce making. I research the featured fruits and vegetables that we use in the lunches that we serve. We know that apples are the perfect diet food. I like the things we eat.
I greet the teachers when they come in to get their lunch. I tell them about the featured foods. I like when we have a mystery ingredient and when the winner gets announced on the announcements. They win a prize.
Mari researches about some of our ingredients |
Mari tells Mr. Robinson about the health benefits of zucchini |
Cooking and ELA
by Angelina
In class we read an article by Mark Bittman “The Truth About Home Cooking” and in doing so we cooked a healthy meal for the teachers here at school. My job was to help peel carrots! I am the one sitting in the wheelchair and I found out that I really enjoy cooking! The reason that I was peeling so many carrots was, they were going into a daikon salad. You may be wondering what a daikon salad is? A daikon is a white radish. So in ELA cooking class we had to peel and ribbon carrots and the daikon radishes and mix them all together.
Angelina peels carrots for carrot-daikon salad. Mrs. Starkweather & Nurse Donna helped, too! |